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Prevent Fire Damage in the Bedroom

How to Prevent Fire Damage in the Bedroom  Many of these fires are caused by misuse or poor maintenance of electrical devices, such as overloading extension cords or using portable space heaters too close to combustibles Fires occur in the home often during the night when everyone is asleep.

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Electric blankets can cause fires if not maintained or used properly.
Store your electric blanket flat to prevent overheating caused by damage to the internal wiring.
Keep electric blankets dry and do not use a hot water bottle together with an electric blanket. However, if the blanket gets wet, dry it thoroughly before switching it on again.
Do not fold or roll the electric blanket while it is turned on to prevent heat from building up in the wires and igniting.

If you want to use an electric blanket all night long, make sure that the blanket is equipped with thermostatic controls for safe use (a overheat protector will shut the power off if the blanket starts to overheat). If your blanket has no thermostatic controls, switch it off before going to sleep.

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